I’m not ready to give this up...

I’m struggling right now and I don’t know why. I’ve been pumping exclusively since she was 1 month old. It’s been 14 months 2 weeks now and my body seems like it’s done. When I pump I get an like 3 oz, my morning pumps were always around 6 oz. Now my mid day pump and night pump is an an ounce or less. It’s literally breaking my heart. Yes, I did pass my 1 year goal. My baby is so strong and so healthy. I really wish my body can make it until she’s 1.5 years old, maybe 2 but that’s out of the picture now. Is anyone else struggling as much as I am about pumping? I’ve always been an under-producer with having a c section and pumping later than I should have started. Sometimes I feel like a failure because I can’t pump enough for her and especially now during covid. I just want her to be healthy and give her the best as possible even if it breaks me.