Does he just want sex from me?

Started talking to this guy on Tinder. Yes I know that’s not a place to meet the love of your life so no my expectations were not very high. I started talking to this guy who claims he wants a relationship.

However the way he’s talking is very sexual. He’s eager to meet me and keeps making sexual jokes. For example, I asked him what he’d want to do on a first date and he said, “Explore each other’s bodies, JK 😂.” Saying that he’s kidding. He asked what I was doing I told him I’m watching Netflix and he said, “I wish we could Netflix and chill 😏.” I’m not experienced with relationships, I’ve only had two boyfriends in my life and those relationships weren’t very healthy. Should I just assume he’s just looking for sex? The last thing I’d want to do is sleep with him and then have him ghost me or something. He admitted to me he’s not even sure how many sexual partners he’s had and that he really enjoys casual sex. I on the other hand, don’t like causal sex and would rather form a connection with someone before sleeping with them. I’ve never had a one night stand and it’s not something I’m comfortable with. Where should I go from here? I’d prefer him to be honest with his intentions, because I straight up asked him what he’s looking for and he said a relationship, but the way he’s talking seems otherwise.