Is it just me...

Nakia • Baby #2 coming!!!

So I’m 36 weeks and to be honest I feel like this baby will be here any day now. I’ve been having a lot of pressure, Braxton Hicks, back pain and very hard to walk. The last week I’ve been having crazy dreams. I figured it was normal because my last pregnancy I did the same and I chopped it up to it being pregnancy “gitters” but one thing thats different is my anger! When I tell u the last two days I’ve been so angry and ready to blow up on anyone who even looks at me the wrong way it’s serious. I just had a huge blow up with my mother smh who really didn’t deserve it but she was just under my skin and I lost it. Is anyone having this same problem or is this even normal? Is this a pregnancy thing or am I just turning into an ass!? Yet this morning I was a hot emotional mess and was crying about stupid shit 😩 ugh wtf is going on!!!