Parents and boyfriend

My boyfriend have been on and off for three years. This year things have been going really well for us and he also just came out of prison. (I’ll get to that in a minute)

We are doing couple counseling and communicating a lot more. I’ve been big changes in him as well as his family. He has grown up since he’s been out and even during his time.

His parents are proud of his accomplishments and helps out a lot and even helped him find work. He’s going to church and helping other teens by speaking to them about his past experiences and troublesome childhood.

I actually have grown to love him more by the minute.

My old boyfriend(him back then) wasn’t like this. He cheated. Lied. Stole. Cheated some more wasn’t nice or good to me didn’t appreciate me and would treat me like trash. It broke my heart. He also didn’t believe in God and would smoke and drink constantly.

The issue I am having now is that my parents have not forgiven him from his past and will not allow him around my kids or myself. I live with my parents and I’m 28 now divorced and have been divorced for 5 years. I’ve known my boyfriend since high school and no he’s not the one I married. ... My parents have threaten to called the cops on me and him if I am with him. His parents and I get along well and they accepted me and consider part of the family. My parents refuse to talk and meet with him and his family and refused to let us be together. My parents also will not meet his family and have a decent conversation and just be cordial with each other. I really want to put this behind us and move forward and I want to be with him. I do believe that he has changed and he’s treated me with the most respect. I just need advice. I have also tried to talk to my parents calmly like adults and they refuse to hear me out and still believe I am being disrespectful.

Many of you are probably going to suggest that I move out. I had my own place ready to move but covid happen and where I can stay is affordable but will not allow new renters in till December.

Please help.

What are ways I can talk to my parents and lay down the line that I should date who I want at 28!!!!!