Baby is here 💙

Madison • 21 . Mila Rose 🌹 06/09/18 . 1 loss 👼 . Santiago Cruz 07/13/20 💙 Extremely blessed ♥️

DONT wait to go to the hospital! Yesterday (07/13) I started having slightly painful contractions around 9am and only waited until 11 to go in and I was already dilated to a 7 upon arrival 🤯 Granted, it did take 30 min to get to the hospital. Once here, I still had to wait to be triaged in and receive a whole bag of fluids before they could even get the anesthesiologist, then once the epidural was placed, it didnt work on my right side and I was literally crying in pain until they not only came to fix it but until it actually took effect. The epidural was SWEET SWEET RELIEF 😌 And baby boy (we don’t have a name yet) was out in my arms with 3 pushes at 37+3.

He weighs 7lbs even and is 19.5 long. SO SO I’m love right now and I lived on this app (specifically this group page) when pregnant. I couldn’t wait to tell you ladies! 🤗 Thank for all your words of encouragement. I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.