I feel like I’m burning up 🥵 first time IVF

Trigger shot last night. Woke up a couple times last night dying of thirst and having to pee. Then at like 6am I woke up to a lot of pain on my right ovary side. Pain subsided after I urinated. This morning I woke up burning up 🥵 my temp is only 92.5 but I can’t cool down. Sitting in front of an AC and drinking ice cold water and I still feel like I’m on fire 🔥 anyone else ever experience this? I’m on a Ton of meds

Metformin 500mg



Hcg trigger last night



So I know my body is going through a lot with all this medication. I’m always extremely dehydrated and doesn’t matter how much I drink I still feel dehydrated.

On a positive note: tomorrow 930 egg retrieval. Super excited and ready.