Can it be implantation


This month I took clomid from cycle day 3-7 my af started June 23-26. I got a positive opk on July 8th. Had cramping from July 8th to 10th . I have sex 5th, 8th, 9th and 10th of July. Now my stomach feel sore and bloated. It’s slightly painful having sex now and it’s so sore .Can this be a good sign. I do think I’m over analyzing everything but I’m curious also my boobs hurt only to touch .

Update : the next day it eased up alittle and I don’t feel as bloated where I could suck in my stomach.. my breast are no longer sore . Anyone had these symptoms and symptoms stop then found out they was pregnant ??

Af is due in 7 days and my temp been between 99-99.6