Anxiety on the pill??

Has anyone had anxiety worsened when starting the pill? This is my second month of starting bc and I feel like I’m a lot more anxious about things I should not be anxious

I.e. I called up an ultrasound tech from the hospital I went to get an ultrasound from for my heavy periods and asked her if they would see an 11 week (what I would have been at the time if I were preg) fetus even if my order was non-OB. She said they would definitely see it. So I was fine for like three hours after that. Now I can’t stop thinking about it again. I’ve been having shortness of breath lately and heartburn pretty consistently for a couple of months and I look up symptoms of 18 weeks (what I would be at now if I were) and those are also symptoms. But my doctor didn’t make any note of pregnancy on my ultrasound comments. It’s like past what I can control now. I know I’m not but why do I have anxiety over this?? Like I feel like this is out of my hands now.

Also, when I say “11 weeks” to the tech, that translates from the last period before conceiving and not 11 weeks from conceiving right?