Advice or will I be fine


Okay so I work at Old navy and about a week or so ago we were using a hand sanitizer found out a couple of days ago that the FDA recalled and banned it. Well I’ve been using that hand sanitizer a LOT. Everyday for about a week. Like I’m talking every few minutes since I was cleaning the fitting rooms/touching the clothes people tried on. Well I was feeling sick and had really bad headaches all week. Well now I think it’s because of the methanol in the hand sanitizer. It’s been about a week since I’ve used it and now have I g skin irritation on my hands like contact dermatitis. Do you think I will be okay? I’m still feeling a little sick but not nearly as bad as I was. Should I be worried or since it’s been over a week since I was using it I should be fine? I’m probably fine and overacting but once I figured out why I was feeling bad I started freaking out bc methanol poisoning 😂