Nipple Stimulation Induced My Labor


On 7/13/2020, I breast pumped each boob for about 5 minutes each and on 7/14/2020 I had my bloody show.

On 7/14/2020 at around 10:30am I saw red blood when I went to pee soon after that I started to feel contractions so called my OB and they told me to head into L&D because of the red blood. I got checked in at the hospital by 12pm and was 3cm dilated and 75% thinned out. The nurse said I can go walk the hallways cause it will help speed up labor cause if I don’t progress they will discharge me. I really didn’t want to go home so I walked the hallways for about an hour and half but that’s when the contractions started to get really intense and about 2 minutes apart. It got so bad I could barely breath but mind you my water still didn’t break. The midwife came back around 2:40ish and checked me and I was at 9cm dilated. They rushed me to the delivery room and told me it’s too late for an epidural that the baby would be here faster than the epidural kicking in. I was so scared and the pain was so intense. I pushed about 2 times and baby Beckett was born at 3:08 on 7/14/2020 which is 10 days before my due date.

My heart is so full and I have so many emotions. We as women are so amazing.