Recovering from narcissist abuse


I recently ended my relationship with my ex for good. (This is the 3rd and final time). I’m hoping by posting this I will feel a sense of closure for myself.

I dated my ex for over a year. I was house sitting and I wanted him to stay with me, I thought this would be good for us bc we just got back together and we gave each other more space so I was excited to see him for the weekend.

Saturday night he had friends over & he loves to get wasted. I got to the point where I hated being around him when he was wasted. He would go on these self centered spiels about his life and he would never ask about me. He loved to hear himself talk and it was more apparent when he was drunk.

It was 2am and I wanted to go to bed, he said he was going to play video games on his PC he bought. Disappointed because didn’t want to go to bed with me and cuddle, but I understood. Little did I know he was going to talk to girls while I was sleeping. He didn’t come to bed until 5am.

I woke up to clean the house to see the messages on his PC. I was so hurt. I woke him up and made him leave. I wanted him out. He replied with “so I’m not allowed to have friends that are girls?” “I’ve known so & so for 10+ years.” “I just wanted to talk about anime.” I told him that it’s inappropriate, especially bc I had no idea who these girls are. I sent an Uber for him. Nothing he could say would make me feel better.

I feel so betrayed. He didn’t drive. He was always broke, I was always there for him when he had issues and he did me dirty. He literally told me before me going to bed, that he loved me so much. That I was his “reason” that he wanted to “protect” me. That he was so proud of me. My heart hurts. Does anyone have advice on how to heal? I blocked him on everything.