Someone please help :/

Apologies if this doesn’t make all that much sense, I’m losing my shit Rn and yeah just I really don’t know 😂

Okay so I went and saw the sexual health nurse at my school somewhere around the 20th of June because my period was well over a week late and my periods are pretty regular so I was freaking out about being pregnant (by then I think I would have been at least 5 weeks pregnant) and so I did a test which came back with like the faintest positive line and so i got told it looked like it could be an early pregnancy and to come back a week later to do another test to see what my results were then (that first day I also got my first Depo Provera shot, I was switching from the pill because I’m not the best at remembering to take it) I did two tests that next week, one came back the same as the last one and one was negative, by now I’ve started developing some pregnancy symptoms like tender breasts and cramps. I came back in another week later and did yet another test and I was prepared for it to come back positive but that also came back negative, but still at this point around three weeks after I first went in I still don’t have my period and I’m super confused. I’m aware that the depo shot can stop your periods but I was told that doesn’t happen for quite some time so I’m unsure if that could be why. I’m doing another test in a week or two when I get back to school because by now if I’m pregnant it should be more apparent on the test but I was just wondering if any of you guys have been in a similar situation or have any idea what’s happening because I really don’t and I’m freaking out because I haven’t had my period since May yet the tests are saying I’m not pregnant and I don’t know what to think.

Thanks in advance if you comment with anything useful or even just if you don’t thanks anyway xx