having a hard time stopping smoking

i always told myself i’d stop smoking once i got pregnant. well now i’m almost 18 weeks pregnant and still smoking... i have DEFINITELY slowed down. i don’t smoke blunts. i’ve improved. BUT... i still smoke. some days it’s fine but most days ... 😭

i’ve smoked since high school because of my migraines. they have always been hormonal or from my sinuses. well now being pregnant i have stuffy sinuses + these hormones so i’m getting headaches or migraines almost daily. and i still get nausea sometimes. smoking is literally THE ONLY thing to help but I KNOW i need to stop.

i just needed to say this. i keep hoping one day i’ll just not want to smoke anymore or my migraines will stop which will make it easier. :/ my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me & so did my fiancé’s sister, so they’ve both tried to reassure me that it’s fine but for peace of mind i would just like some self control to stop 🥴