I hate Covid . . . !

Sharon • Wife, mama: 👦🏻👼🏻🧒🏼👶🏻, teacher

Ladies, I just need a minute to vent.

Our state is seeing a rise in numbers and slowly, but surely, every business around us is starting to require masks. I’m a teacher and have been some since March, so the kids have been home with me. Lately, the stress and anxiety associated with the unknowns of what will happen in Fall (districts are still deciding) and making sure that I’m protecting myself and my family is exhausting.

I started searching for child masks with dinosaurs on it for our Feb, and just had a total meltdown. I’m in tears, sobbing, bc while I knew our world wasn’t perfect when I brought him into it, I would have never in my wildest imagination visualized that his early years and silly smiles would be covered by a mask. It breaks my heart and is so unfair to him and all kids - to everyone.

I know, I know. It’s a mild inconvenience, it’s temporary, etc. . . but is it? We don’t know.

Like I said, just needed to vent; have a good cry; and move on.

Ugh. Covid sucks.

Thanks for bearing with me. 💙