How would you feel if you found spent $100 or more to see a concert but the singer was lip-syncing.

Went To concert few years ago I realized that the singer was lip singing.after a few minutes many other people realize she was actually behind a lot more songs.many people and myself went and demanded money back.people go to a concert they want to see an actual voice and not pre-recorded in a studio. Can tell the difference between live and pre-recorded. in a live performance with them singing they're going to make sure they stay where they're supposed to with their tone. Pre-recorded lip sing they don't have to make sure they're on note. they can pretty much say any word they want it looks like they're saying what they're supposed to say.the entire concert pretty much emptied within 20 minutes because nobody wanted to watch this person lip sync.if I'm going to pay $100 to see a singer or someone who's famous they'd better be live singing.

Many singers in the past many years have been found out they are listing it during their concerts. Mariah Carey , Britney Spears , Lady Gaga an many other.