Is remote/virtual learning or deciding to homeschool a form of privilege?


As a mother of one school age kid, and two who would be in daycare right now (if not for the fact that I am on maternity leave till start of September), I am getting updates and not yet confirmed details from our school district on what plans might be.. they have plans for remote and on-campus learning.

I see a lot of the SAHM Moms saying they plan to keep kids home (which is obviously their right), but there is also a little bit of judging going on almost implying that ‘good’ parents wouldn’t send their kids to the ‘scary conditions’ of a school classroom.

I think it’s worth noting that there are employers you are expecting parents to return to the office, and keeping kids home may not be possible unless the can afford home childcare they trust...

With all that in mind, do you feel remote learning is a privilege for those who can afford for a parent to stay home? What is the best option in your mind for everything

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