How many C- Section?


Hey mommas I had my first c-section with my son on April 25th, 2018 he was born at 10lbs and 4oz and 21 in long! He looked like I birthed a toddler. My second c- section was on November 11th, 2019 with my daughter who was 9lbs 7oz and 22in long! We want all our babies close in age, but I don't know how long I should wait before we try again for possibly our last baby. I had no complications during labor and I've healed wonderfully with both babies. However after having two im still terrified. How many did you have was it worse and the same? How was the pregnancy, birth, and healing? It only took us a month to conceive my baby girl using ovia fertility and <a href="">period app</a>!

My daughter Addalyn Marie ...

My son Bryce Arnold.