Yeast infection at 14??

So I've never been sexually active, Ik, but it's just that there is this white yellow ish substance between my vagina lips, not sure what they are called in English🤷🏼‍♀️ but could it be something, I tried once a couple of weeks ago to masturbate it was pleasant but I haven't really done anything since, and I've really always had the substance. I don't talk to anyone about it, and not to my mother we don't really have that kind of relationship, I wish, soon I'll turne 15 which is the legal sex age here, and that's when I think I will talk to her about BC, you know to be on the safe side, ya girl never know what situation she could end up in🤷🏼‍♀️😂

Oh yeah and btw we have been teached in school about safe sex, STD's and all that, I just don't think we ever talked about a natural "thing" between the lips, so...