Could I possibly be pregnant ??


I had unprotected sex on the 8th and 9th of July I use two apps Glow and Flo . Glow said I was ovulating on 12th but Flo said it was on the 9th. Either way it was still a Chance of me getting pregnant but later On during the day of the 15th I notice a weird tingly sensation on my boobs started getting really tender next day the 16th I got weird tingly sensation in my stomach light cramps on the left side started to feel very uncomfortable the cramps didn’t hurt though. Next day the 17th I started having back aches and I feel bloated. Seems like by day it’s a new symptom adding on. My period isn’t till 8-11 days from now I’m very irregular and my cycle last till 31-34 days so I know my period isn’t coming anytime soon I’m not sure what’s happening

UPDATE 7/21 - I have been really sleepy lately I take nap a middle of the day and go to bed super early. I Never sleep this much so it’s very Unusual for me I have been drowsy a lot now. I’m always craving something eat even though I eat a lot anyway lbs but me wanting to eat every hour is not me. my Mom has even notice a increase in my eating. I feel nauseous sometimes not all the time though feels like I got to throw up/ hurl. Having back pain on the side. Hot flashes and headaches. I wanna take test but I feel like I should wait at least 5 more days just to be accurate