Still no solids!

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

My girl is 9 months old and will not eat solid foods. She loves her purées and oatmeal, but we have tried so many solids and she is just not interested. Also, she has vomited twice while trying to eat solids because of her gag reflex. The pediatrician isn’t concerned and said they really don’t master the skill until 15 months so as long as she does it by then, we are fine. But I see everyone’s babies eating real food and people keep asking me if she is eating everything and I have to say no. I think I’m putting too much pressure on both of us, but it’s hard not to compare. Who else is still in the same boat as me? I need some reassurance!