What does he mean?

There’s this guy I’ve been talking to for a while now and we had a great week. We text every day and I asked him on Wednesday when were going to hang out. He told me he doesn’t know because he’s busy, which he is. He has so many things going on he barely has time for himself. He even has a little kid. He told me he doesn’t know if he can give me what I want rn, but that he does want to hang out once he’s settled. I told him I’m in no rush and that he is giving me what I want by texting me and doing all these other little things for me like bringing me food and whatnot. He told me he’s happy I could be honest with him. I told him if he wasn’t giving me what I wanted I would’ve stopped talking to him a while ago, but I that I like talking to him and don’t want that to stop. He said he does too. We talked the whole day the next day and you could tell he was putting in the effort to talk to me. Towards the end of the night I sent him a pic (I wasn’t naked or anything) of me in shorts and a cami and said goodnight. I got nothing back. Usually he’ll comment on it. I waited until the next morning but nothing. It was his kids bday so I texted him saying i hope she has a great day. He immediately texted back saying hi and thank you with a heart and that he hopes I’m having a good day. I texted him back but nothing. I know he’s busy with his kids bday and all but now it has me thinking why he didn’t comment on the pic. He’s done that in the past when he’s busy and I ask him later if he still likes my pics and he always says of course. I don’t want to text him continuously today because he’s spending time with his kid but what do I do???