Newborn suddenly won’t sleep?! Help!!!

Zeah • Periods, man.

I am a FTM and my son is 2 weeks old today. He was doing great with his feedings and sleep schedule—EBF every two hours during the day and three hours during the night. All of a sudden these last two days he is pushing me past the point of exhaustion because he absolutely will not go down when it’s bed time. He is practically chewing my nipples off wanting to comfort nurse and when it’s been 25 minutes, I pry him off and he won’t stop screaming until I put him back on. He isn’t actually eating 99.99% of the time he’s on the nipple, but he won’t take a paci or my finger—he just screams until I give him the boobie. Please help?! I’m so tired I’m sleeping through the alarms to wake him up and feed.. he went five hours last night because I turned off my alarms without knowing. I feel awful, I just don’t know what to do... I can barely keep my head up to hold him. Did I do something wrong or is this normal?