
Okay this may sound really dumb, I’ve only been with two guys romantically. One being my ex whom our sex wasn’t so great for me and i didn’t enjoy, not sure if i had ever came or had an orgasm. it also never felt like it. My current boyfriend asked me if he’s ever made me cum, and i’m like i don’t even know because how will i know if i’ve cum? when we have sex and he hits my spot i guess i get a feelings in my stomach, like butterflies or clenching, like i’m holding something i guess feeling like i have to pee but it’s not such a strong feeling. It’s a good feeling though. I know everybody is different but what is a tell all sign that you’re cumming? i mean, how would i know?

**i feel so dense and sexually inexperienced but i’ve only been with that one guy who did nothing for me sexually anyways. and google isn’t that much of a help to me when it comes to that. 😂 kinda want some real answers and opinions