Am I the asshole? Sorry, not really pregnancy related.. don’t know where to else to ask

My sister is constantly asking for favors from me and my husband.. her husband is not a nice person so instead of asking him, she asks us.. for instance, her babysitter got sick and can’t babysit this week.. she’s a photographer and has photo shoots all day Tuesday, and instead of asking her husband to take a sick day, she asks me to watch her 3 kids all day the day before I leave for vacation. She also asked me to watch them for a couple hours Monday so she could go to the chiropractor because “her neck and back are bothering her.” I said no because I have so much to do and I already have a 2 year old I’m chasing around while 6 months pregnant. Plus I have a doctor app and have to get groceries. But she gets so offended when I say no! Which I will admit I say no a lot now.. but it just feels like she is constantly asking for favors that she could do herself or that her husband could help with. Am I the asshole??