Found out what I’m having!! 😭


I’m pregnant with my first & I have alwayssss wanted a little boy. I kept putting out boy energy but I just knew because I wanted him so bad, I wasn’t gonna get him 😂 well the nurse called me this morning and what do I hear? “It’s a girl!! She’s perfectly healthy and isn’t at risk for anything. Congratulations!” soon as I hung up the phone I looked at my mom and said, “’s a girl” and I just busted out boohoo crying 😂😂 I was a lil butthurt but I’m honestly very excited, I was gonna cry no matter what it was, this baby is a blessing!! 😭 now the hard part, coming up with a name because I don’t even have the first idea AT ALL!!

Lil Mini Me due January 18, 2021 💗

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Posted at
I cried when my sneakpeek results said “boy” because I wanted a girl SO badly 😂 I’m excited now but in the moment I was so upset


Ashlyn • Jul 20, 2020
I was the same way, except the opposite 😂 I’ve done gotten so excited now! Congrats on your little boy ❣️


Posted at
I’m praying for a girl with baby 2, and I just know there will be a little disappointment if they tell me boy. I feel like it’s impossible to avoid unless it’s your first. As amazing as it would be to just reuse everything, nobody in my family has had a girl! Fingers crossed!!


Ashlyn • Jul 20, 2020
Sending girl vibes your way!! So many women I know are expecting girls, now me too! I’m praying you get your girl as well!! 💗


Posted at
I have 3 girls and a boy: im pregnant with our last baby and I find out Saturday at our gender reveal what we are having! I’m hoping for a boy, ima be a little sad if it’s a girl because my son will be the only boy but I will be so happy just to have our last little blessing.


Posted at
Same 😂 I was sad... But hey we girls out number the guys in the family! GIRLS RULE 👑 💃


Posted at
We have the exact same story!! I just thought all things boy!! Definitely wanted a boy and knew it was one. Nurse called with NIPT results. I said go ahead and tell me I already know it’s a boy. She said it’s a GIRL!! 😩😩 ftm here and after a previous miscarriage I’m grateful either way. But boy did i want a son.