Come on baby!! 🥴


I guess this is kind of me venting! 🥺 So, several weeks ago at 34w, I had a growth scan, and the tech said baby boy was breech(actually transverse). I really want to have a vaginal birth so that stressed me out like crazy. She told me they weren’t moving babies right now bc of Covid and it was considered “elective”. That just seems crazy to me.

So...I went home and did a bunch of the spinning babies exercises. Went back for my growth scan LAST WEEK, at 36w and he was head down!! 🥳

Just had my 37w appointment today. My dr was like everything looks great, looks like he’s head down from your scan. I’ll start checking you next week, no bleeding, no contractions, bla bla bla, all is well. See ya next week! Then I go downstairs to get an ultrasound and baby boy is fn breech again!! Wtf!! 😢 My appointment last week was Wednesday! It’s Monday! He flipped in that time. I mean, I guess he has time to do another somersault but come on baby!!!! Now I guess I’m gonna be doing exercises all day again! I’m just so stressed out, ugh!

Not to mention we are putting our sweet schnauzer to sleep later today bc he has a huge prostate cancer tumor keeping him from being able to empty his bladder, so it’s giant and also causing him pain. It literally came out of nowhere. We’re not ready to let him go but I can’t watch him struggle anymore. He’s not himself. After watching my mom suffer for the last 5+ years and lose her battle with dementia at the end of April, I know we are doing the right thing but it’s still not easy!

Im not usually one to complain and sorry this got long but I needed to let it out! I’ve waited 35 years for a baby and I just can’t catch a dang break during this pregnancy, lol! Nothing has been wrong with him. Just things piling up in life!

Thanks for reading.

Anyone flip a baby this late?