Getting induced!


So my induction was scheduled for tomorrow at 9 am. Well I went in today to have my last NST before baby and my blood pressure was all over the place. It eventually lowered so they allowed me to come home. But now I have to come back in tonight around 7 pm instead. I’m getting induced in 2 hours and I’m ready but I’m also freaking out. That’s normal right? 😅

For reference I’m 39 weeks 2 days. I’ve had extreme swelling from the waist down and today the swelling was even worse. My feet were pitting. I’ve had my blood pressure and urine monitored routinely since the swelling started at 28.5 weeks. Up until this past week it’s always been normal. So they’re going to run some blood work and urine labs when I get there tonight to ensure my liver is functioning properly and there isn’t protein in my urine. Then, they’ll do an internal check and get things going.

Last Thursday I was 2 cm dilated and 75%-80% effaced. So once she sees where I’m at she’ll make the call on how to induce. She believes they’ll use a balloon and some pitocin to start.

Wish me luck! I’m a basket case on the inside but ready to meet baby boy!! 💙 send all the prayers and positive thoughts please!