I think I spoiled my 6 month old

tit4tat • Now a momma of 2gorgeous girls

She won't take pacifiers for comfort and for me to get a good night's sleep, I've just been putting my boob in her mouth at night when she cries, then she sleeps and then I put her back in her Next2Me.

Please don't judge me lol I NEED sleep to deal with my 4yo during the day.

Obviously, I regret it now lol cos I can't keep being her night comfort.

When I leave her with her dad, she cries for almost 3 hours without sleeping so I regress, and give her the boob again.

I want to stop breastfeeding now.. not going well cos at night, "she's a screaming dinosaur" according to her sister whose sleep is also disturbed when she cries at night lol.