BFP after FET (40


I’ve been reading posts on here for two years and never posted. My husband and I went through an <a href="">IVF</a> cycle late November and had our egg retrieval in early December. They retrieved 11 mature eggs, 10 fertilized, 9 made it to blasts. We had PGS testing done and ended up with 2 normal embryos that were frozen. (I was 39 when we did the ER.)

A crazy amount of life events happened one after the other. Then COVID-19 blew up and everything shut down. My RE office opened up late May so I called and got back onto the schedule. All my testing had expired so I had get everything done again. I’d had uterine polyps removed the previous summer, so had to make sure everything looked clear. I also had to get a mammogram since I had turned 40.

After a month of tests and waiting, we finally got to do the FET last Tuesday 7/14. This wait has been super tough because I’m feeling so many early pregnancy symptoms that could also be the result of the estrogen and progesterone support medications I am on.

I broke down and took a pregnancy test on Sunday (5 days post transfer) and I saw a faint second line. I felt a little reassured, but still nervous. I took another one this morning with a digital test and got a definitive positive!!!! I go in for my beta testing Thursday the 23rd. I hope this is one sticky healthy bean!!!!!!

I want everyone who is going through experiences like mine to stay positive and hopeful! We can do it! I believe in us!😊👍