

Good morning Ladies!

I am 9 weeks 4 days today, due February 19, 2021. I am still having nausea, bloating, constipation, gas, and some mild lower tummy pains that kind of feel like period cramps. They are occasional and my doctor said not to worry unless there is bleeding!

I have my second ultrasound in one week on the 28th, I’ll be 10 weeks and 4 days. I will also be getting the Non-invasive blood testing done to check for chromosome abnormalities in the fetus. I had two miscarriages previously, one due to a chromosome abnormality, Down syndrome. I am nervous but I am hopeful that my little bean is healthy.

We will also be able to find out the gender with this test. It takes about 6 business days to get the results back, so we should get the results on our 4 year anniversary! Most of the family that knows think it is a boy. I think they are wishful thinking since we have had 9 girls the last 10 pregnancies. 😂

As always I will keep posting updates! Have a blessed week. ✨