Hair advice for my three year old


Hey I posted this in a different group before realizing there was almost no activity in it. So here it goes again.

So my sons hair is probably 7-8 inches long and it becomes so matted at night where his head meets his pillow. I try to detangle with just my fingers when I can, and do a wash day where I get all the tangles out once a week. I mean I do a daily leave in conditioner, detangler, hair masks, deep conditioner, coconut oil, olive oil, hair milk....I mean I’ve tried everything. All of that and he’s still getting the spot on the back of his head that hair is breaking off and it shorter that the rest. When his hair is dry it looks like a shelf on the back of his head 😂🤦‍♀️ I know I should be braiding is but he hates when I touch his hair....we both lose patience with each other. Any advice?

This is him after a car ride and his hair is shaped like his car seat 😂🤣 poor kid