Cant cut her off

Ziri • Have a wonderful day

So I love with my parents cause I'm 13 and my sister also lives with us cause shes 17 and she cant leave till she goes to college


She always makes fun of what I like or want to do. dont get me wrong she CAN be a good sibling sometimes but chooses not to which is annoying

I have made other post about her and alot of ppl said to but her off but I cant which sucks

She always fat shame me like literally earlier today I walked downstairs and she said "is that Ziri" and I said yes and she was like "wanna know how I knew it was u, CAUSE THE WRAPPERS WERE SHAKING" Then she started to laugh like it was the funniest thing ever and I just had a face like whatever and she was like omg issa joke. And she does this ALL THE TIME. and whenever she pisses me off I have an annoyed face and then she mockes my faces WHICH AREN'T EVEN ACCURATE. She makes ugly faces and says "That's what you look like"

And it makes me mad cause I already know I'm fat like my goodness you dont need to remind a hippo how big they are EVERY BLESSED DAY 🙄

Like the other day she said if I was to reach or 130 pounds she gonna disown me in public and whatnot and if I'm not the weight SHE'LL like me to be when I'm older she going to Send diet stuff to my house every month.

I honestly wish I could tell yall how shes a bad sister but im sure yall aren't really interested or dont have time to read that much

Like I get it I'm fat, ugly, and embarrassing to be seen with in public but dont you think I already feel bad enough.