I know you guys arnt health experts but...


I was hoping you guys could help me brainstorm. I don’t think my 4 year old son is totally nuerotypical.

My daughter is ADHD (inattentive type) and possibly autistic (level one so it’s been difficult to get an official diagnoses)

My son is different from her in a lot of ways. But there are some things in finding very concerning. His main problem is he is extremely high strung. Extremely. High. Strung. Lol i have to be very careful how I present ideas that I know may be triggering to him. He is very rigid when he is against something.

For example he doesn’t like getting water poured over his head to wash his hair. Because he doesn’t like getting water in his eyes. But asking him to do ANYTHING, in regards to getting his hair wet (like laying in shallow water while I carefully pour the cup, or asking him to put his head under the faucet while I hold his face out of the water) is not gonna happen. There is no convincing him. No bribery. No mind tricks. No way no how.

He’s very obstinate with almost anything. It’s exhausting. He’s also very clingy, needs a lot of affection.

He freaks out all the time over small things. It’s rough!

I tend to think he has anxiety, as he does bite his nails. Sometimes he develops tics. But When I look up anxiety disorders in children it doesn’t 100% match. So idk.

Anyone have any ideas????

I don’t have a pediatrician to take him to at the moment and in the midst of coronavirus I’m just not prone to getting him in but as he approaches school age I know he’s going to need some help.