Picky sleeper

Chelsey • We beat infertility! Valkyrie Ember 6/9/20🎀

My Valliegirl just will NOT sleep in her bassinet. I've done everything and she lasts a few minutes before realizing where she is and screams. Even will wake from a deep sleep to let me know she wasnt fooled by the transition. She will sleep flat next to me but not in the darn bassinet. I increased the time I waited before giving in and after several goes at it over the course of 2 hours last night I threw in the towel. This girl just isnt having it.


Was able to successfully get her to sleep 3 days in her bassinet.

Raised the head end up so shes reclined and put a mini boppy-like pillow that came with her play gym for tummy time under her knees. She prefers to sleep on her belly, but I cant stay awake and watch all the time.

Maybe sometime soon I can sleep in my own bed!