

WOOOOOOWWW so I have had 5 ultrasounds to determine gender. I went to the ER for fainting episodes and dr there said boy and girl. I paid for an elective to be sure. They also said Boy girl but girls legs were always kind of in the way but they said 97% sure girl. This was at 16 weeks so early. Then at my routine on apt at 18 weeks they give me an ultrasound everytime tech said “looks like a girl and boy” at 19 weeks I got elective ultrasound to double check again also said boy and girl.

Having some complications so yesterday had an amniocentesis and today and ultrasound and going over amino results.

Tell me WHY 150% “identical” Di/Di BOYS.

Their placentas have fused together but doesn’t look like anything ventricular.

What a day.

I was just about to give away all the boy boy clothes I bought too.

But I spent 100000s on boy girl clothes. I’m going to wait until they come out but if anyone is due after November with BG twins and would like an entire wardrobe lmk! November 07 is the latest they will let me go they said.