Breastfeeding mamas- I need help!

Hannah • Mama of two 💙2016 💙2020 🌈due 2023

My little guy turns 6 months tomorrow. He has two teeth already, and has started biting while nursing. I don’t know what to do but today he actually broke skin. My first only bit me once, and it never happened again. So I don’t know how to handle this habitual biting. Does anyone have a solution??

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Every time he bites unlatch him and say no biting. Wait a minute before relatching. If you put him back on and he continues to do it stop the nursing session all together. Stay consistent. This way he will learn biting means no milk. If he is genuinely hungry then he will just eat. Breastfed babies tongues rest over their lower gums/teeth so he is moving his tongue to purposely bite you. He could be bored or just not as hungry. My girl used to clamp down with her gums and i did what ive just said to you and she no longer does it. I used to wait until she was just tbat bit hungrier so she would focus on feeding. Now if she wants to bite she will grab my finger and chew my finger. Sometimes she will nurse then bite my finger then go back onto my boob because she's learnt you can't bite mummy's boob but mummy's finger is okay. If he bites towards the end of the session then he's done. Hope it works for you!


Hannah • Jul 24, 2020
I was very lucky with my first. He had a whole mouthful of teeth by the time we weaned, and never bit. He was also a little bit older when he got his first teeth. He bit me once and I yelped and he never did it again. This one has started biting every feeding... 😫 I yelped the first time and he laughed because he thought it was a funny noise, I guess. lol But I think he has to be cheeky to keep up with his big brother. Good luck with your girls tooth! I hope she is nicer than my little guy. 😂


Sh • Jul 23, 2020
Thats amazing that you breastfed for that long! And without experiencing being bitten! I've noticed my second is way more cheeky than my first lol. My girls tooth has just come through and I've not felt it as of yet!


Hannah • Jul 23, 2020
I will try it! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! I breastfed my first for 14 months- and I never dealt with anything like this. This one has decided that he is going to give me a run for my money, apparently. 😂


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When my oldest would bite me, I’d (gently not hard) flick her cheek and unlatch her then say no biting and offer boob again. Show em a mean face when you say no biting, baby will understand the facial expression more than the words.


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Getting bit so much I’ve tried hnlatching but he’s so darn cute it’s hard to stay firm 😫


Hannah • Jul 27, 2020
Good luck mama. It’s rough out there when your nipples are getting gnawed on. 😂 mine has chilled out on the biting this weekend, thank goodness. Hopefully we are past the worst of it.