Mexican sope Recipe

Jen • 🌸Jehenny🌸

I am a hard working and busy mom so I wanted to share this easy recipe with y’all hope y’all like it !!

Mexican Sopes

Ingredients for sopes

1. 3 c Maseca corn tortilla flower

2. Tortilla press / something to roll out dough

3. Warm Water

4. Flat skillet or comal

5. Deep fryer or pan to fry

6. Oil

Step by step

1. In a bowl mix Maseca with warm water and mix by hand until dough is fully combined and soft

2. Cover and let it sit for 10 minutes

3. Place comal or skillet on stove, set of high heat

4. Grab a small ball of dough & Use tortilla press make a tortilla about 1/4 in thick, (dough ball slightly bigger than a golf ball)

5. Place on hot skillet 20-30 seconds on each side

6. Remove from heat, set on flat surface, pinch the sides while still hot to mold better and middle to give it its bowl shape

7. Set aside and allow to cool down

8. Fry the sopes till they get a slight golden color

9. Done!!

Toppings for sopes


1. Queso fresco (crumbled)

2. Chopped lettuce

3. Diced tomatoes

4. Homemade avocado spicy sauce

Ingredients for refried beans

1. Beans (canned or homemade)

2. 1 tbsp Onion powder

3. 1 tbsp Garlic powder

4. 4 tbsp Sofrito

5. 2 Garlic cloves

6. 4 tbsp sazón tropical

7. 2 tbsp Knorr chicken bouillon

8. Sprinkle of oregano leaves

9. Handful of cilantro

10. 1 medium onion (cut into half moons)

11. 2 medium roma tomatoes

12. 4 tbsp of vegetable oil

Step by step

1. Put vegetable oil in pot, medium-high heat

2. Add sofrito, onion powder, garlic powder,sazón tropical, knorr, and oregano (stir it up for about a minute

3. Add in onions, tomatoes, and garlic keep stirring, cook until onions are soft

4. Add in beans (I added about 2 c) mash the means up and keep stirring

5. Add a handful of cilantro, roughly chopped

6. Cover and allow this to cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes until it’s bubbling, do not let it get dry you can add a bit off water if needed. **Note use bean broth if using homemade beans if mixture is dry**

7. Done!!! Spoon on top of sopes, top with lettuce, diced tomatoes, queso fresco and my avocado green spicy sauce!! Enjoy!!




For more recipes, easy step by step and pictures on each step of the way checkout my Instagram it’s not private and you don’t have to follow just want to share !!

instagram @quarantine_cookingrecipes