Teen Mom

Hey ladies!
I've been dating my boyfriend since my freshman year of high school (I'm now 19 and a freshman in college). We started having sex at 16 and were both each other's first. We rarely used condoms and relied on the "pull out method". I got pregnant my junior year and now we have a beautiful daughter who is almost two! I'm writing this to encourage you all to practice safe sex. I was so naive and trusted that this 16 year old boy could get it right each time, and although I love my daughter very much, I could have been smarter and protected myself better. I was too ashamed to talk to my mom about it bc she had always told me to wait until marriage and I didn't feel comfortable discussing my sex life with her. I encourage you all to find at least one person whose opinion you trust and who you feel comfortable discussing sex with. Using this app is already a step in the right direction! If any of you have pregnancy questions or just need advice, I'm open to help!