Water broke at 33+4! *Update*


Currently sitting in the hospital waiting for tomorrow so I can be induced to have my son! He was supposed to be a September baby but decided to be a July baby! I already went through this exact same situation with my daughter too! But it’s okay! I know he is healthy and strong! He will of course be in NICU as long as he needs to be, but I’m so nervous it’s all happening right now! I wasn’t ready! 😂


He slid right out! I didn’t even have to push! I had started feeling contractions the day before not very close together but the intensity started to increase. By about 5:30am they moved me into the labor & delivery room. They didn’t start the pitocin right away but somehow I manage to dilate to 5cm before they induced me! The contractions were very intense and very painful so I got the epidural. It helped my left side great but I still felt everything in my right side! They decided to check and up the dose which did the trick! I got maybe like 20-30 minutes of relief when I started to feel a lot of pressure with every contraction. They gave me a peanut ball thing to help move baby down. My husband called in a nurse because it felt like he was trying to come out! I held back the urge to push because no one else was in there yet! The nurse and doctor came in and they were setting me up to push after I was complete and they flipped me to my back. The NICU crew was still otw but another doctor came in and as they started to set up, I felt a big contraction and a whole lotta pressure!! I felt stretching and he just slid right on out!! The doctor was just like “Here comes the baby!” I was shocked! I had no tearing, thank you, God, and he came out crying immediately! Born at 12:43pm, 4lbs 8oz, 17.3in!