God I love a happy ending.

Story time because there's some depressing shit going on right now.

We all know rapists don't get what they deserve but in 2002 one did. A 19 yo built man who thought he was gangster moved to North Texas to a small town because his family had to support him after he lost his job. Guess he thought since he was 'different' from the locals he wouldn't have trouble hooking up, meaning he wore his pants around his thighs and talked in exaggerated slang. Shocker, he couldn't get laid and he decided to rape someone. He stalked the highschool and found a girl walking home alone through a field. He tries to grab her and she manages to twist around with her pocket knife and stabs him in the neck several times. She was a thin girl who happened to have PTSD and like eveyone else in her town always had a knife. She was scared shitless of course and ran home. Him grabbing her caused her to have a episode so she wasn't in her right mind enough to call the cops. Her mom had to figure out what was going on and call herself. So he didn't receive medical attention righr away. He was found in the field by blood trail dead. Turns out he had raped another girl in the town he moved from too.

And that's how a 19 year old rapist took on a 17 year old tiny farm girl and got slaughtered like a kosher cow.