Hey guys

So I tend to OVER REACT ALL THE TIME to begin I am a virgin . So second my sister has a cold sore she just got it a few days ago and I don’t even want to lay next to her or touch her or anything or touch anything after she’s touched it and I am being kind of mean about it but I’m just trying to make sure I don’t get it its come to the point where I don’t even wanna use the same soap as her or towel or anything because of it ... I also keep checking my lips because I don’t want to have one because she says that they hurted SO BAD so then she told me that she could give it to herself in her vag so then I got TOTALLY FREAKED and I started to wonder if she gave it to me down there as well like what if she touched her cold sore then touched something and then I touched it after her and then I touched my bag and got it I don’t know and I’ve been itchy down there so idk and she said that she read that herpes down there sometimes looks like Ingrown hairs so I’m like totally freaked out idk how to calm down like at all ( she hasn’t been touching her lips she uses a q tip and then disposes it ) idk maybe I’m overreacting too much Everytime I think abt something I think about the bad