HELP! How to remove warts? How to get tape/bandaids to stick to foot?

I have a bunch of watts on the bottom of my feet. 3 in the same area on one foot and 2 in the same area on the other foot.

I need them gone!!! I tried the freeze off from the drug store it didn’t work...I tried bandaid ones off amazon, they are working great but I don’t commit to them because they keep falling off whenever I walk on them or sleep.

Any ideas of how I can get it to stick on my foot? Should I wrap my whole foot around with tape? Duct tape? Electrical tape? Medical tape?

I also heard duct tape works. I tried cutting a small piece and it just fell off...anything I try ends up falling off within a few hours so I’m not getting the full treatment that’s needed! Suggestions on how I can get this to stick and stay on my foot? Or anything that has helped you remove them? I’m so embarrassed and desperate at this point...

I want to avoid the doctors right now...epically because I have a young toddler at home and I’m currently pregnant.