How to avoid weight gain?? Help!



You guys, my midwife told me that she only wants me to gain 11 pounds this pregnancy because my bmi is in the obese category. I am overweight but I guess I didn't think I was THAT overweight (maybe I'm in denial). My bmi is 31 so my doctor told me I should only gain about 11lbs throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy!

How do I do this??? With my 1st pregnancy I was one of those people who gained like 60 pounds (oops). I'm 8 weeks, and I've already gained one pound- which normally I wouldn't bat an eye at, but now I'm freaking out because that means they only have 10 pounds left to gain!

I need help! Give me all of the practical tips! I obviously know to exercise and avoid junk food but sometimes the pregnancy cravings are no joke!


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(I tried the find a whole body picture, but apparently I just have pictures of selfies with my toddler. This was the best I could find)

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Posted at
You don’t even look that big though!Just eat as healthy as you can and try to start active!Don’t beat yourself up if you gain more than they suggested. You’re growing a whole person!


. • Jul 26, 2020
Anytime! Congratulations! My doctor suggested I don’t gain anymore than 25 pounds my whole pregnancy. I’m only 26 weeks and have already gained 20 and he doesn’t seem worried about it! It’s just a suggestion and you could still gain more than 11 pounds and have a perfectly healthy baby!


Katrina • Jul 26, 2020
Thanks! That's encouraging!


Posted at
Just curious how much you weigh? I’m 185 and you look small to me. Like definitely a lot smaller than me


Aricka • Jul 26, 2020
I’m 5’10” and I was 195 before this pregnancy and doc ever said Anything to me and I’ve only put on 22 lbs and I’m 36 weeks on wed. I would just say be aware but dont try and lose weight or diet. Don’t stress it ether... BMI doesn’t take in to account your muscle mass ether


La • Jul 26, 2020
So we are kinda the same height if not your smaller than me. I’m 5’7. You look small to me. Not trying to be nice. Just being honest. You look normal and healthy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Katrina • Jul 26, 2020
I weigh 215 😬 but I'm 5'10". I have always "hid my weight" well - I'm not sure if that's because of my height or because of muscle mass


Posted at
You don’t look 31 bmi! Sometimes our bodies just carries the weight differently. I was told no more than 20 lbs and I’ve only gained 4 from my initial weight. I’m 26 weeks. I try and eat healthy and if I crave something really bad like donuts I’ll limit myself and then chug water to fill up. Also be active, walks, chores, cleaning. My appetite hasn’t been too bad but I’m hoping I don’t gain too much this last trimester


Posted at
When you think you’re hungry (but it’s snack time and NOT meal time), drink 16oz of water and wait 30 minutes. I don’t remember who told me or where I read it but our bodies can’t tell whether we’re hungry or dehydrated. Since making a human requires a lot of water weight (increased blood and body fluids) we need a lot of water!! Best tip I ever had and worked like a charm for me. I gained 30-35lbs in both of my pregnancies and I’m now back to pre-preg weight and body.


S💍 • Jul 26, 2020
I also agree with what others are saying about BMI. I have a BMI if 21. Most ppl think from the photo above that I weigh less than 120 but I’m almost 140. I’m more muscular than that picture shows 🤣😂 and muscle weighs more than fat. So you can look petite and be very dense! I’m a size 4, 5’6”, 138lbs.


Posted at
Just try to move your body and be aware of what and how much you’re eating. Do NOT let this control your pregnancy. I told my midwife that I didn’t want my weight to be a large factor of my pregnancy. At my hospital we weigh ourselves and it isn’t made to be a big deal. If you don’t want your weight to be discussed, you have that right!


Katrina • Jul 26, 2020
Thanks! I'll try not to overly focus on it. She just made me so paranoid about it!


Posted at
Theyre never happy I was overweight too, also 31 bmiI tend to lose weight during pregnancy and so they tell me i need to eat more. I eat all the time! I try being a bit better about my choices but i love food. I really hate that they focus on weight


Posted at
You look perfectly healthy to me! Would never think you’re “overweight”. I’d just focus on eating healthy and being as active as possible.


Posted at
You don’t look as if you should have that high of a BMI but every body is different. I’m considered morbidly obese and was not given a “safe” amount of weight to gain because of it. So far I have stayed steady, I fluctuate 2-5 lbs but honestly I usually go back down and I haven’t done too much to avoid it because women gain weight in pregnancy they just do I just don’t over do it. Just try to eat as healthy as possible and do low impact exercise such as walking or prenatal yoga.


Posted at
Thanks everyone for all of the helpful tips and support!I guess I just liked everything else so much about this midwife that I bought in completely to her views on weight!Ya'll she gave me a weight gain graph and told me to hang it on my fridge and weigh myself weekly to be sure I stay on track 🤦🏼‍♀️.After everyone's helpful words I will NOT be doing that! I'm going to take steps to be healthy, but try not to worry about my weight so much!


Jamie • Jul 26, 2020
That’s awful! I truly believe different people put on different amounts. Whether that’s 20lbs or 60lbs you can still have a healthy pregnancy. Focus on a healthy baby not the number on the scale!


Posted at
Omg.... my husband is a PA and he says BMI is such a messed up way to measure obesity. You look great, first of all. Try your best to be healthy in eating and staying somewhat active for your baby, but please don’t obsess over it, regardless of what your dr says.If you are eating healthy for your baby and being active enough (just taking a walk a day), I would not obsess over the scales. I can’t believe they even told you that.


Katrina • Jul 26, 2020
Thank you!!