If you rent a room like the other 2 people at the house (only 3bedrooms we all rent) would you be okay with them eating your food when you really dont have that much food?


I am 18 just turned 18 15th of july and was in foster care and they have this independent living program where they assist you and help you etc. they also give you a place to stay when you turn 18 until your 21. They help you apply to food stamps etc.

So to the topic i came here about lol

So i have a roommate we’ll gonna make nicknames lol okay

So one is about to age out she will be 21 this week I believe but lets call her N

Then there’s another one think shes 19 or 20 we callin her J

They had roaches when i first came here! Told me not to tell the staff i did anyway come on now!!!

They were lowkey upset oh well get over it im not living like that 🤢 they bring boys over 🙄 they rarely shower

We cant have company on week days during the hours 8am-4pm and N sneaks people in mainly boys though in her room

Her room has a bathroom 🙄lucky!!!

Me & j share a bathroom upstairs & we all share the downstairs i dont use downstairs bc it has shit stains & stinks

They have trash bags with trash on the floor 🤦🏽‍♀️ they cook all the time and have mad dishes in the sink and stuff on the counter and stove it’s frustrating like WTH !


J room is clean and organized

N room is messy has piles of clothes on the bed and floor its a mess mind you she has a whole bathroom!

Back to my poll

So i had went food shopping the 20th 21st maybe and only had $102 to spend(thats the budget they give u cause they pay for it)

I got a 12 pack of ramen

3 probiotic shots




A little pomegranate juice

4 pack bowl of veelta mac and cheese

Pineapple spears


20 chicken thighs for $20

2 cases of nestle water 28 count

I believe thats all

And so i put 8 waters in the fridge noticed 2 were gone 😒 never asked!

Paid it no mind and so I decided to put a note saying please dont touch the cold waters and so i ended up puttin all my water in the fridge and they were messing with my stuff this weekend!!! Apparently they werent so im assuming the guests they had this weekend were🙄🤦🏽‍♀️ they always have guests over though like 5 people 8 i dont know i dont keep track

My baby sister 15 Mia came over (shes 5’11 very tall but beautiful rest assure) and im not suppose to have company until like 28th because i moved in the 16th have to wait 2weeks to have company idk why

So anyway J kept telling me i could have company and when i would leave she would tell Me i could keep my room door unlock one day she told me that 3TIMES!!!

Talk about weird🤷🏽‍♀️

I knew J before we lived together

She didnt seem weird until now

J constantly harrasses me for weed


Its like they were trying to set me up to blackmail me or kick me out..

But yeah yesterday i let my baby sister hang with me i was with my boyfriend and wanted to stop by my place to shower and change since i moved out his place and so she said the family she was with(shes friends with the whole family they are a mess too! I use to be friends with them first and then my lil sister met them and liked them so) didnt trust her by herself so my sister had to leave for the time being they were gone so i told her to go to my place and wait for me so she did

So im here and i told her to go in my boyfriends car with the ac and she was like no she wanted to come in im like😒

Shes inside the house and goes upstairs in the bathroom & im getting ready so forth

J comes upstairs i guess she just came in idk & seen my sister i was like thats my baby sister I explained everything so she said oh you could have company (mind you she been telling me this since i got here)

My little sister says to me oh your friends in here talking about a roach

So when i first got here they had roaches so🙁🤷🏽‍♀️

J doesn’t say anything so then mia says something to her like the reason why yall have roaches is cause yall dont put the trash bags in a trash can (which is true shit) so she still doesn’t say anything..

Fast forward hours later its 9:20 something and we drop her off at my house to stay until her friends come back nobody was there but my roommates company and i see my pack of ramen noodles the seal of the packs were open and on the counter were 2 packs of ramen not cooked or anything

I see my bottle waters touched😒

Im erked off rip so i make my sister my last little bowl of mac and cheese and let her eat some pineapple spears i left ..

11 pm she texted me saying they were loud (my roommates)

Then 11:33pm says she left

Then when i texted her today she said she felt like they were talking about her because they were laughing at her when she came down the stairs and said she was like 14 and she proceeded to say shes 15 turning 16 in oct

Later on i was thinkin of texting j asking them nicely to not touch my food please as i dont have much and dont know when i will have food stamps since i applied Thursday Wednesday..

I didnt text them though i was gonna wait til i came home and so they ended up texting me asking.. and these are the messa ges

I feel outraged that they are trying to blackmail me

They do worse things !! They sneak people in they have liquor sometimes

J smokes blacks in her room when your not suppose to like 😒 but i dont have any proof just them saying it verbally 🤦🏽‍♀️

Any advice i been stressed

I kinda decided one day ill just clean the whole house cause it’s unacceptable! I have 2 interviews this week $12 a hour both but one is $12-$14 so im pretty excited

Wish me luck please

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