COVID and social distancing

Taylor • Mama to two boys and a girl 👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏼❤️

I’ve been home from work (and my kids from daycare) since March 13. I was fortunate enough to work from home for 12 weeks before being furloughed. We quarantined until June, when we began seeing close family (who we thought) were also social distancing. Unfortunately, it seems that gathering is the new normal in our area, despite rapidly rising case number in the US.

In the past few weeks, we’ve canceled a family trip and a camping trip with extended family to allow ourselves to continue social distancing after finding our that we are expecting our third baby. We don’t plan on sharing the news with anyone yet, but have been made to feel like we’re being overly cautious by family members. I had to be firm with my MIL today when she asked if she could pick up my four-year-old for a play date with his cousins and she was not happy with me.

Are other mamas choosing to continue social distancing? How are you handling negativity for doing so?