Ovulating soon??🤞🏻🤞🏻

Chelsea • Child of God • Wife💍• Girl Mom (x2)🌸

So I had my cd 14 ultrasound today & the tech said she didn’t see any follicles at all, so I probably wouldn’t ovulate this cycle. That was @11:30am.

Then when I got home @4pm, I took 2 opk’s, one test strip & a ClearBlue digital and these were the results.

I had to go back to look @ the paper to realize that non-flashing smiley face meant PEAK FERTILITY!!! 🙌🏻. I’m so excited!! 🥰

Has anyone had issues with the ClearBlue ovulation tests, or are they pretty reliable?? I did 100mg Clomid, cd 3-7. Today is cd 15. Husband & I BD twice yesterday, but also plan on BD tonight & tomorrow night as well. 🤞🏻💜💜