Help me please don’t judge

My June 17 LO is still on a bottle! He’s only needed a bottle to sleep but since covid he seems to be more attached. When he was in daycare he was fine all day and now he can be fine but not all the time. Please don’t bash me for giving him a bottle still.

He’s my second and he can be very abusive and evil. I’ve tried to completely throw away his bottles, he’s fine if I give him melatonin (please don’t bash me about that either) he is my most difficult child and I am a single mom with no help what so ever from family or friends so its just me. He won’t go to sleep and will hurt hisself if he doesn’t get a bottle or will go ape shit crazy. I live in a apartment complex and our walls are thin, crying it out every night hasn’t been successful

I’m desperate. Someone told me to put hot sauce on his bottle or mustard on the nipple since it worked for them but my kid will only wash it off hisself but if this works How can I disgust him to never want a bottle.