SPIDERS Update!!!


Update: My dads amazing exterminator friend (who I’ve known since I was a baby) drove an our and a half to our house and sprayed inside and outside for us! He did our decks, basement, all the base boards, behind furniture, radiators, corners, and even all the bedrooms. A little after he left, my husband saw the spider I was trying to kill and kept missing and complaining about this morning wandering across the bathroom floor obviously dying! Thankfully, besides that small one, I haven’t seen any since I made this post and I also had no idea the guy was going to do this for us. My mom just called this afternoon and said he just called her and was on his way in and he’d spray both houses while here! He wouldn’t take money so we paid him with a case of beer lol I’m glad to know it’s working and I feel so much safer here at home...he said it’ll work for other bugs (which I’ve never noticed before) but I’m just glad to be rid of these beasts! 😊

Disclaimer: We have a small farm. I grew up with my brother having pet scorpions and snakes. I myself had a gecko and would pick up and feed him crickets by hand. I’ve picked up snakes outdoors by hand to move them AND we had a rat snake named Ramirez living in our shed for a really long time as he got in their one day and it was a time when we had an issue with mice getting into the chicken feed. The ONLY creature on this Earth I’m afraid of, besides humans, are freaking eight legged, eight eyed, creepies!! I KNOW they are good creatures but they are good OUTSIDE...not in my home!

I need help. While I’m to the point that burning down the house would probably not be off the table, it would probably make me homeless so I need some more options. We never have/had spiders in our house that I knew of...except in our basement which is basically a root cellar. We had one decently big one go across the kitchen floor around Christmas and I was shocked and upset and my husband told me it must have come off the tree. It was killed and we moved on. 6 months later, about a month ago, I’m in the kitchen at the counter and something hit my arm and bounced off. I have an aero garden, thought it was a leaf, and then it rolled and I flipped when I realized it was a spider. Here’s a pic of that one.

I killed it and then flipped out. My dads friend is an exterminator so I sent him a picture and he said judging from the size he’d bet it came in on one of the cold nights and it probably wasn’t an indicator there was a problem in the house. I messaged my husband, though, and he said he’d bomb the basement for them. He buys them and I’m all for it but then start to worry because I have a toddler and am pregnant and that crap is potent so I told him what Doug said and we chose to just see if we found anymore. Fast forward to last week, my husband went to bed and I’m here reading a book. A thick black spider crawls across my leg. Thankfully not as big but terrifying. I never found that one to kill it. So, I agree to let my husband bomb the basement on Sunday and was told they wouldn’t make their way upstairs to escape it 🙄 LIES! I’m in the kitchen the following day, look down, and there’s this huge one on the bag.

I couldn’t kill this one because it escaped under the radiator. I’m terrified again. We left the house and went to lunch because I was too afraid to make us food in the kitchen (spiders are legit the only thing I’m afraid of). I’m sitting here tonight (two days later) talking to my friend and this big one comes down from behind the TV. I put the phone down but can’t get to it in time and it’s gone. I’m watching like a hawk for this thing to show itself while talking to my friend still and it took a few more sightings of it for me to finally get it at a spot I could kill it. Here that one is pre spider murder.

I am sitting in my living room, at a time I normally enjoy my me time, and just want to go to bed because I’m so afraid to be down here by myself. What do we do??? Is this the point we bring in a professional? Our gardens are not certified because they are personal use only but everything is organic and we don’t even use weed killer out there. I’m assuming professionals aren’t going to use something that will make us sick? Has anyone had to get an exterminator for spiders? Is that even a thing? If you’re still here, thank you and if you don’t want to comment...that’s fine... I needed to get this all out 😬😭😭😭😭😭