Bf doesn’t seem to try anymore.

So my bf and i are about to be 3 years next month. So a few months ago we hit a rough patch. We hit our breaking point and had a huge fight but we resolved it and we both shared to each other what we we need to do to make our relationship work. So anyways since then I’ve been trying my best to fix my issues and give him what he wants. But he hasn’t really made the effort on his side. I expressed that I feel like I’m in the back burner of our relationship and that he just doesn’t give the same attention as he used too. And whenever I come to him with a concern he shuts it down right away and doesn’t want to solve the issue. Which makes me feel like he doesn’t care. Before he used to be so involved and whenever I came with an issue or concern he was all ears and activity tried to solve the problem or at least understand where I’m coming from. But now I voice a concern he just shit me down. He doesn’t really text me anymore he hardly call me anymore either. I’m usually the one to call or text. But when I don’t call or text I expect him to do it back he doesn’t. Idk I don’t think he talking to anyone else or cheating. I haven’t had any suspicions. I tried to voice my concern last night but yet again he shit me down and didn’t want to talk about it. He just say “omg yes I know what You mean and what You want. Now let it go”. Idk I’m I just being crazy or should I be concerned.