Should I test again?


My BF and I had unprotected sex on July 8 during my fertile window. I took a test on 3 different days and the last test I took was when my period was on the day my period was suppose to arrive, they all were negative. My cycles are regular at 27 days. I was 2 days late for my period still nothing and then day 30 I had some spotting I just assumed it was AF. But the color was light pink and the flow wasn’t consistent maybe altogether last 2 days it was gone by this past Monday. I’m starting to wonder if it really was my period? It’s Wednesday now and my lower back and lower abdominal is still cramping, It’s got me confused. Shouldn’t my cramping having stopped if it was my period? I’m wondering if I should test again and call my doctor. If we conceived I would be 5 weeks tomorrow. Any ideas are welcome as this has never happened before!